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News & Announcements

District Announces New Bully, Cyberbully, and Safety Reporting System
For the 2023-2024 school year, West ISD will utilize the state-approved STOPit Solutions for all student bully, cyberbully, and safety reports. The STOPit reporting features include telephone access, texting, online, and mobile app. Report may include screenshots, photos, audio files, and video files. STOPit includes a 24/7/365 Incident Response Center with certified specialists who monitor, manage and notify officials and 911 (as needed) of submitted incidents. When needed for any life-threatening situations, the specialists will alert assigned officials via escalation email, text, and phone call. Please "click" on this News Story to go to the STOPit reporting website.
For more information, please contact the campus front office at (254) 981-2120.
For more information, please contact the campus front office at (254) 981-2120.

District Announces New A-Phone Security Measures and Plan for all Front Entries
All campus guests will now be greeted at the front entry of each campus and building by the District’s new A-Phone system and a locked and secured front door. The A-Phone system combines video security and access control to assist West ISD in identifying all guests and their purpose for entry before being buzzed into the secure front vestibules. All guests will be asked to display a valid state-issued ID or driver’s license along with their full name, student name(s), and purpose of visit through the A-Phone’s video and audio feed. Once buzzed through both the locked and secured front door and vestibule, all guests will be asked to complete the Raptor Visitor Badge protocols. Again, a valid state-issued ID or driver’s license must be presented to receive a Raptor Badge. Each morning, the A-Phone system will activate at the start of the school day or 8:00 AM for West Middle School.
For more information, please contact the campus front office at (254) 981-2120.
For more information, please contact the campus front office at (254) 981-2120.

West Middle School Online Athletic Paperwork Information for Interested Students
For information on the West Middle/High School Trojan and Lady Trojan Online Athletic Paperwork, please "click" on this News Story. This paperwork is required for any student athlete interested in participating in a University Interscholastic League (UIL) sport for the 2023-2024 school year.
For more information, please contact Coach Woodard, Athletic Director, at (254) 981-2050.
For more information, please contact Coach Woodard, Athletic Director, at (254) 981-2050.
West ISD Facts
- 4 Schools
- 1,342 Students
- 15:1 Student Teacher Ratio
- 63 Extracurricular Activities
- 37 State Championships over the Past 5 Years
- 100% Graduation Rate
- 49% College Dual Credit Enrollment
- 100% College Acceptance Rate
- $1.6M College Scholarships