Sep 1 Thu
Sep 6 Tue
Sep 7 Wed
Sep 8 Thu
Sep 9 Fri
Sep 10 Sat
Sep 12 Mon
- All sport picture money (football, volleyball, cheerleaders & cross country) is due by Wednesday, September 14th.
- Band Booster Meeting @ 6:30 PM @ Band Hall
- WMS Volleyball vs. Whitney @ Whitney-start time is 5:30 PM-both 7th grade teams will play @ 5:30 followed by both 8th grade team games. (Whitney has a new middle school campus & gym. The address is 185 HCR 1240, Whitney, Texas. The games will be located in the new gym.)
Sep 13 Tue
- WHS Volleyball West vs. McGregor @ West 5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 PM
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 14 Wed
- WMS Cross Country Billy McCreight Invitational @ Lofers Bend State Park 3:30 PM
- WMS Fall Pictures
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 15 Thu
- Progress Reports Go Home
- WMS Football Rockdale @ West
- WMS Pep Rally - Theme is "The future is bright for Trojan football" so wear bright colored clothing.
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 16 Fri
- WHS Volleyball West vs. Whitney @ Whitney 4:30 & 6:00 PM
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 17 Sat
Sep 18 Sun
Sep 19 Mon
- Rachel's Challenge Week -September 19th-23rd
- WMS Volleyball vs. Grosbeck @ West 4:30 PM 7B, 7A, 8B & 8A
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 20 Tue
- WHS Volleyball West vs. Grosbeck @ West 5:00, 6:00 & 7:00 PM
- WMS Open House for Grades 6-8 - 6:30-7:30 PM
- West Middle School's 2016-2017 yearbooks will be on sale during the WMS Open House on Tuesday, September 20th in the Library. Please see Mrs. O'Brien to purchase one. The cost will be $25.00 and for an additional $6.00 the student's name can be printed on the front of the annual. Thanks for your support.
Sep 22 Thu
Sep 23 Fri
Sep 24 Sat
Sep 26 Mon
Sep 27 Tue
Sep 29 Thu
Sep 30 Fri